These are universal and they worked with our blinds that came from Home Depot. FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible . Shop with confidence on eBay! Buy replacement valance clips for your wood and faux wood blinds for brands. This video demonstrates a new universal valance clip for wood and.
Metal Brackets for Real Wood And Faux Wood Blinds.
Simply snap the clips over the top and bottom of the valance to. Quantity: or more of the blind. Valance clips attach the valance to the headrail.
Spare valance clips are available for our wood venetian blinds. These clips are used to attach a faux wood valance with a groove in the back to the headrail of your blind. Simply slide the clips into the grove on the back of . Finally, here is a universal vertical blind valance clip for dust cover valances:. Look inside the headrail to .
When we moved into our current house, we had it painted from top to bottom. In order for this to happen, our painter took off all the window. First Edition Alternative Wood Blinds are constructed with.
Universal brackets, Gold Screws,. Had to replace all the clips on our blinds to hold up the valances that came with the blinds. Continue reading Universal valance clips for wood blinds